Saturday, March 28, 2009

Tweet, Tweet! Who's Twittering Today?

I am, as you may have guessed by now, a fan of full disclosure. And there's so little of it around that I think I've gotten pretty cynical. And then a story comes along that surprises even me.

Yesterday's New York Times had a piece (online at by Noam Cohen about "ghost Twitterers". Apparently a lot of major people have, well, other people to do their Twittering for them.

Which makes sense for some folks -- I want President Obama to concentrate on the nation's health, not on whether he should be Tweeting now or not -- but I draw the lines at others.... The Times article notes that athletes generally do their own Twittering, but celebrities, not so much: "Britney Spears recently advertised for someone to help, among other things, create content for Twitter and Facebook. Kanye West recently told New York magazine that he has hired two people to update his blog..."

But the one that completely caught me off guard was Guy Kawasaki, chief executive of Former Apple employee, Silicon Valley venture capitalist, and prolific writer and blogger, Kawasaki has two employees who Twitter for him. I was stunned. I admire Kawasaki's work, and often read his blogs. But now I wonder: are those blogs really his? Or does someone do that writing as well? What about his books? How are we to know where his line is, if it's not completely transparent?

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